Sunday, September 27, 2009


As part of our new segment on & National Underclassmen Combine System I will will begin analyzing all of the players that I enjoyed watching this year at our events.


Michael German, Class 2010: QB, 6-2, 195, Blanche Ely HS, FL

Quick Writeup
Michael Combines good athleticism with a great arm and consistent passing. He is a tremendous leader and has 4.6 shuttle and 25 inch vert to go along with Passing skills.
Awards: QB MVP-Orlando and Miami NUC
U100 Southeast Top 100
U100 Top Prospect Camp and rated #2 QB at camp

Further Analysis:
Michael is a very intriguing prospect. In one on one's he always displayed great accuracy, timing and delivery. In 7 on 7 tournament in U100 southeast he was inconsistent, showing great flashes, but then he would make some bad decisions. At the U100 Top prospect camp he was on point, amazing in one on ones, great in athletic drills and then superior in 7 on 7 tournament leading his team to the championship game against the heralded Brandon Pechloff. He was tremendous over those two days in Oklahoma and ended up being rated the #2 QB at camp next to Tyler Bray with Pechloff finishing third. Quite accomplishment, he was cool calm, and on film he displays that ability as well, leading a very good Blanch Ely Team in florida. He is a definite D-1 prospect and in the right program with the right development he could become a superstar. 

I dont grade guys based on stars or scores, I rate them on whether they can play!
They get 1-5 points based on how well they perform in each category. 6 categories with a max of 30 points to be scored.
26-30- big time d-1 prospect
21-25- D-1 Prospect
18-21-1aa Scholarship prospect
14-17-DII Prospect
10-13-DIII Level Prospect
We are only evaluating college level athletes, athletes not on college level will not be evaluated.

Rating System:
TP-Top Prospect Potential--5
FB-Straight Football Player--4
GA-Great Athlete--4
SP-Explosive Impact Potential--5
CK-Combine King--4
SS-Size and Stature--3

Michael Gets
25 Points =Definite D-1 Prospect

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